I'm Out
I'm out. I'm leaving at 8 in the am tomorrow and I'll be back on Sunday the 24th. There's still a ton left to do before I go. So as of now this blogger is officially unavailable until the 24th, leave a comment at the beep and he'll get back to you as soon as he can. Beep.
I almost forgot, on Sunday the 17th I'll be going on a vacation with my entire family for a week. So, I'm putting out an open call to any readers who would like to join the unfunnybone team and post while I'm gone. Maybe add a little class. Send me an email with the link to the right, or leave a comment if interested and I'll add you to the team. If all goes well, it could become a permanent partnership. I mean why the hell not? Boingboing does it, so why can't Unfunnybone?
Today's a big day for me. I've been looking forward today for months. Just think about it. Today "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" comes out, "Wedding Crashers" comes out, and the new Harry Potter book comes out. Technically, the book comes out tomorrow, but all the parties and hoopla are today. So pump it up, it's a can't miss Friday people.
So far the most hilarious pictures I've found are of the soon to be released Napoleon Dynamite action figures. Click the link to read the story and see the pics. Lucky!
I am still looking for hilarious pictures. I went to flickr and found even less than google. That's just because people are tagging pictures as hilarious that really aren't. Click the link to see the flickr results. But be warned, you won't laugh.
Trip the Light Fantastic
Last night, I finally saw "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and I was pleasantly surprised. I actually liked it. I thought that Mos Def would be funny and that's about it, but he wasn't the only haymaker thrown my way. I haven't read the books so I can't compare the two, but as a movie I was entertained. Definitely a must watch.
Strange things are a foot today as "Bill and Ted's Most Excellent Collection" rocks into stores. The people that get joke are the only ones buying it. Excellent!
I just want to give some love to Tim Burton's new stop-motion movie "The Corpse Bride." The trailer looks and feels like Burton's previous "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and that's how it should be. Check out the site and get pumped with me.
This guy loves weiners.
A few days ago, I posted about Takeru Kobayashi winning Nathan's hot dog eating contest, and how shocked I was that ate 49 hot dogs. Well, I just witnessed the spectactle on ESPN and all I could say was, "This guy loves weiners." Way to put that meat in your mouth, Takeru.