Hilarious Picture
Earlier tonight I was jonesing for a hilarious picture, so I did a google image search for "hilarious "picture." What came up are the three least funny pictures on the internet. I thought I would be throwing up on myself and overdose on the hilarity, instead I was assualted with this crap.

You're telling me this freaking cat is the funniest thing on the entire internet? This cat isn't even funny to begin with. Don't toy with me google.

Oh how original, an IPod spoof. I haven't seen one of these on every blog I've ever visited. How is this even funny? It's not even a good spoof.

This is the worst one of all. Is this even a joke? I get the squirts just thinking about how unfunny this is.
I bet these pictures have stories that make them funny, but I don't care. I searched for hilarity and I got a pile of turds. I'm still looking for something hilarious so send me something if you think I'll throw up.
Fantastic? Not so much.
The plan to see Fantastic Four tonight was postponed by the overwhelming number of bad reviews the movie is getting. I had a feeling this might happen.
Happy Friday Internet
Just wanted to wish the entire internet a happy Friday. This has got the feeling of good weekend. Full report after the craziness.
I would like to give my deepest sympathies to all the victims and their families of the London attacks.
Yearning for Hobo Porn Titles? Well Yearn no more my friends. The link below generates title after title of family fun. Courtesy of boingboing.net.
Naturally, the upcoming Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie starring Johnny Depp is getting a lot of attention. But for the last few days, it's been for all the wrong reasons. A huge number of movie critics are linking Depp's performance to Micheal Jackson. He has all the characteristics of the faded pop star. Depp obviously denies that he modeled his Willly Wonka after Mr. Jackson. I, for one, think this is a hilarious controversy, and exactly why I love this blog. Nothing makes me happier than funny news.
Fantastic Bore
A pretty busy day, just wanted to drop a quick line. The more commercials I see for the Fantastic Four the less and less I want to see it. I just have a sinking feeling this will be more like Daredevil than the likes of X-2 or Spiderman 2. Full report on Friday night.
Takeru Kobayashi continued to depend his hot dog eating title yesterday by eating 49 hot dogs in 12 minutres. Apparently this number was disappointing to him because one year ago he ate 53.5 hot dogs and hoped to break that record this year. He beat the second place finisher by 12 weiners. Reading this story shocked me to say the least. I had to read it twice just to make sure my imagination hadn't gone haywire. I had no idea there was actually a hot dog eating contest, let alone a five-time champion. What is this world coming to?
In an article linked below, bnoopy writes about the rise of entrepreneurship and how this trend will continue. He cites that the price drop in software and other necessities for a new business have created many more successful businesses than we are used to seeing. While it may be true that starting a business costs roughly 10 times less than year it did years ago, I would argue that this only makes it harder for entrepreneurs. With so many more people flooding the marketplace with new business ideas, one can only think the opposite of what bnoopy has to say.
Happy 4th! Keeping with the spirit of the holiday, I've decided to blow things up today. I'm always reminded of past encounters with fireworks. I'm sure everyone reading this enjoys the exploding colors. Thinking about this got me wondering about yearly fireworks injuries, and man I found a goldmine of facts. Click the link to check it out.
Harry Potter vs. July 4th
While spending time with my family today doing usual 4th of July weekend stuff, I couldn't help but think about Harry Potter. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'll be waiting in line for the midnight release. Nerd alert, I guess. But, I couldn't help but think that for thousands and thousands or Americans, such as myself, the pre-potter hysteria is severly over shadowing our nation's birthday. It's just plain hilarious to me that a fictional character created outside of the country just may be more exciting than fireworks this weekend.
Death By Stereo - Death for Life: Review for Life
Death By Stereo
Death For Life
Previously Death By Stereo has been flying under the mainstream radar due to their melting pot sound. And as much as it pains me to say it, Death for Life is clearly aimed more at major labels and mass exposure than the previously released Day of the Death and Into the Valley of Death. The band spent much more time making this album, and long-time fans will appreciate this. Tracks such as “This Curse of Days” and “W.W.J.D?” are exactly what metal-punk fan boys are looking for from this release. Where the album seems to be aimed to a more mass audience is on the track “Forever and A Day” which is a Staind and/or Creed influenced power ballad that will obviously become a single and shock longtime fans. The band also clearly made a conscious effort to become heavier on tracks such as “Don’t Piss on My Neck and Tell Me It’s Raining.” This album sends such mixed signals it’s hard to tell whether the band has matured or not. After the initial listen and a look back to Into the Valley the band hasn’t stepped forward or back, they’re stuck in mud.