Epinions.com is a great place for up and coming writers and bloggers to go and review anything and everything. The site has been around for a while, but it's new to me. So, go check it out and start making a name for yourself and if you get a chance look for reviews from unfunnybone.
Here's a link to some wallpapers for the upcoming We Love Katamari. It's a japanese site but all you have to do is click your resolution and soak in the love. Katamari do your best!
I am so stoked about Nintendogs coming out in a few weeks. I recently played the demo and I was blown away. The touch-screen controls are so intuitive. It's been two days since I played and I still can't believe how well it worked. It was like petting a real dog. The demo is only five minutes long but those were the best five minutes of the month so far. Yeah I'm a nerd, so what.
For the past few days, I've been hearing about this National Lampoon satire about Adult Swim. I just watched it and it's totally ridiculous and completely unfunny. It's sad really how far National Lampoon will go in an attempt to be funny. Dropping F bombs doesn't mean funny, and neither does taking cheap shots at a network they're jealous of. I'm sure Adult Swim doesn't even care, I mean what is the last successful thing Lampoon has done? Vacation? They should've quit a long time ago. And besides they should support a network like Adult Swim that essentially carries the same values Lampoon used to back in the golden days. Lampoon should just pass the torch and give up now before they embarass themselves even more.